What is Your Thinking Style?

M.I.N.D. Design

Take this survey now and find out.

M.I.N.D. Design

Thinking-Learning-Communicating-Problem Solving
Mind Design

What might be your...

leading style?

creative thinking style?

communicating style?

teaming style?

learning style?

teaching/training style?

selling/buying style?

Mind Design

Perhaps your style is like one of these people....

Mind Design
Thomas Jefferson
Walt Disney
Mother Theresa
Genghis Kahn



Mind Design

Which are You?

...of these 16 Primary M.I.N.D. Designs?

M - Inventor
Mi - Innovator
Im - Creative Analyst
I - Explorer
Md - Scientist
Mn - Manager
Id - Creative Implementor
In - Inspirer
Dm - Organizer
Di - Dictator
Nm - Coach
Ni - Guide
D - Director
Dn - Counselor
Nd - Coordinator
N - Teamer

For more information contact us at alan@cre8ng.com

Mind Design

Take the M.I.N.D. Design questionnaire


in either of two ways electronically.

Take this survey - form 1 ......Take this survey - form 2



Is your leadership style like one of these leaders in business?



Since I did my doctoral research (1979 to 1983) into the impact of teaching style on learning style and learning results I have based all of my speaking and consulting work on the following premises.

If I can grasp or access your basic THINKING STYLE

I can then project your basic



From these I can then determine which


I ought to use when working with you

for us to be more successful together.

My ongoing research and experiences

with over 3100 audiences/clients have shown me that

How we THINK impacts How we LEARN

How we THINK and LEARN impact how we COMMUNICATE

How we THINK, LEARN, and COMMUNICATE impact how we


ALL four of these impact all our human activities




by completing a M.I.N.D. Design questionnaire.


Mind Design

First Option....by clicking here   Take this survey-1

Immediately after completing the questionnaire you can receive a basic report based on your scores.

survey instant report

Mind Design


Second Option...by clicking here   Take this survey-2


Once your scores show, discover more detailed information about the four primary M.I.N.D. Design Styles (leading, communicating, teaming, creative thinking) by clicking on the individual style names

for the 4 primary cognitive styles

by clicking on the highlighted primary style name (blue)

you will receive the following 4 general style reports


These four reports combined will be more accurate when you look at your

individual specific point scores, for example . . .

            0 - 2   =  a low score or tendency to avoid

            3 - 4   =  a moderate score and ability to work in that style

            5 - 7   =  a preference

            8 - 12 =  a very strong preference



your apparent MIND Design (combined scores) can greatly impact how you...

think, learn, communicate, solve problems, lead, train and deal with conflict.

To learn more about the M.I.N.D. Design Human Style Model and System read on further in this page.




We can all improve many of our daily tasks by first...

Understanding our individual styles of

Leading, Communicating, Teaming, Cre8ng, or Working.


M.I.N.D. Design has been developed to aid people in understanding how their individual style can be best matched or teamed up with the styles of all the people they work with/for to produce the best results for all from the single individual to the entire corporation.


The M.I.N.D. Design Package includes:

Contact me at alan@cre8ng.com or call at 706-353-3387 to learn how to use the M.I.N.D. Design System to help you and your people better understand themselves and each other in order to improve their communicating, teaming, creative thinking and your leading.


M.I.N.D. Design An Introduction

The general use of the M.I.N.D. Design™ questionnaire is to introduce the importance of understanding the differences among people, whether in a working, volunteer, recreational, personal, or a family relationship.

The questionnaire is based on the idea that there are at least four separate ways that we can approach anything we do. The questions predominantly are descriptive of personal thinking styles.

My major premise is that if I can acquire a basic understanding how someone thinks, I then can understand how they might learn best, solve problems and communicate. Understanding these four individually or combined can help us determine how best to work with another person, one-on-one or in teams.

A person's M.I.N.D. Design™ (or Human Style) affects how they approach most things:


Here are some questions that can be helped through understanding the principles of our M.I.N.D. Design™ scores.

Generally 67% (2/3's) of most groups have two categories combined that fit them best. Only 20 to 25% have a single category (scores of 7 or higher). The combinations usually occur in the following manner:

M&D or I&N 60 to 67%
M&I or D&N 25 to 30%
any 3 5 to 10%
all four 2 to 5%

Here are some sample differences between the 4 primary styles.


Here are some probable strengths and possible weaknesses


How to use the scores to give clues to the dynamics

within your workplace.



My recommendations to all audiences are the following:

  1. accept that there are many different ways to do everything
  2. strive to understand your own
  3. strive to accept and understand those that contradict or challenge yours
  4. learn from differences
  5. strengthen yours
  6. team the strengths of other's with yours

Conventional thinking in a culture, country or company or even a family says that there is a specific "correct" way of doing everything, either ours or someone else's. It is because of this CT that we create most of our problems.

Acceptance, understanding and teaming the best of each will always bring the greatest success. Tolerating only implies that the one who is tolerating is superior.

A Presbyterian minister shared the following insights with me years ago:
The four gospels describe Jesus in four separate manners and they match the four primary categories of the Mind Design


Overall General Notes

What causes us to develop or choose a Mind Design or "Human Style?"

Can we change?

Yes, but it is better to learn to appreciate the one we have, develop our strengths and add some of the strengths of the others.

Generally maximizing one or two approaches or Mind Design categories produces success.

As a leader, teacher, parent, coach, friend it is better for us to become comfortable with our M.I.N.D. Design™      ("Human Style") and to learn how to modify ours slightly enough to develop understanding and rapport with people who have different ones than it is to expect all other people to change to match us.

Learn how to develop the strengths of your preferred and most natural

Leading Style.



©1982-2009 Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP





