2nd Sample of Programs




Leading Those Who Don't Want to Be Led

Today's workplaces consist of some of the greatest diversity of people in history.  The Great Generation, who survived the Depression and saved the world in WWII, War Babies, Boomer Generation, Generation X, Generation Y, Millenium Generation and the greatest influx of a single group of immigrants (legal and illegal).  All these bring great challenges to the workplace for supervisors, team leaders, managers, leaders need to deal with.  This program has been designed to provide tools and techniques for effectively leading, guiding, coaching, counseling highly diverse workplaces.

(download PDF of PPT presentation)


Communicating More Successfully Today

$3 Billion is probably wasted in our workplaces every day due to small to medium communication errors.  This session is filled with tips, techiques and systems for improving you speaking, listening and understanding and communicating with all people from the front door to the executive floor of your organization.  Using the S.T.I.R. process, understanding 36 Causes of Mis-Communication, learning how to use the  M.I.N.D. Design thinking/learning/communicating/problem solving model to minimize the majority of your communication challenges.

(download PDF of PPT presentation)


Turning a Group into a T-E-A-M Effectively Today

Many jokes have been told about how TEAMING AMERICANS is like HERDING CATS. In many ways that is often the case.  Seldom throughout our school years are we taught how to be team members or how to lead teams.  Perhaps if we play sports we learn some things.  Yet seldom the learnings are purely accidental side results and not direct lessons.  Then in our workplaces we expected to become strongly effective, caring, devoted, team members.

Not Invented Here

Not In Our Department

That's Not My Job

Are almost paradigms in the minds and hearts of too many people and organizations.

We all can learn to become Strongly Successful Team members.

We all can learn how to better lead Successful Teams

Evidence continually shows that diverse groups of people can work effectively in team-like manner when chaos or trajedies happen.  Hurricanes, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, forest fires all provide examples how most people can step forward and work in spontaneous teams.  Yet most of them in their every day lives rarely work in teams.

This session is planned to help even the most team resistant people accept and begin to appreciate the value of learning to become more teamlike and become members of teams.

(download PDF of PPT presentation)


Taking individuals and turning them into a Productive Group to Organization

The most effective leaders truly know their people.  Yet scale or size of organizations can create many problems and make it difficult for leaders to get to know their people.  This session is designed to help leaders from team leaders to CEOs to learn to deal with the apparent "unleadable, unmanagable & umbossible" employees, teams and departments.  The primary focus of the session is upon learning many ways to get to know (Connect) with alll employees and to better understand ourselves.



Turning any department or company into a Solution Focus Team

Most of the time when we ask other people for ideas they may share 2 or 3.  Often when we are asked with give 2 or 3 to maybe 6.  In the workplace we need 1000s to 10s of thousands of ideas to choose from to solve many small to giant problems. With training and practice we all can generate 100s to 1000s of ideas.  This session is designed to help people get past basic CREATIVE G.A.P.S.  that stop most of us from being creative to learning a mixture of creative thinking tools, techniques, systems, models to how to create their own to suit the situations they are in, along with understanding the principles and values of CREATIVE THINKING STYLES.


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