

Creative Potential Solutions Generating Model.



In 1976 thanks to Bob Eberle, author and creator of his famous creative thinking tool: S.C.A.M.P.E.R., I was introduced to the Creative Education Foundation's annual CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING INSTITUTE.  In 1978 I attended my first CPSI and have been attending yearly ever since. 

One of the greatest learnings from my annual pilgrimages to CPSI in Buffalo, San Diego, Houston, St. Paul (2005), Chicago (2006), Atlanta (Callaway Gardens/ Pine Mountain 2007) or any of the other cities where it is held...is my ever growing understanding of the

Osborn - Parnes Creative Problem Solving Process

It was initially created by Alex Osborn and Dr. Sidney J. Parnes in the 1960s and is continuously being further: researched, developed and redeveloped by many consultants, trainers and researchers in a mix of countries around the globe.

My C,r,e,8,n,g!. Model was inspired by the O-F-P-I-S-A Model and parallels it in many ways yet contains my own interpretations and twists based upon my experiences, research and study of the teaching and application of creative thinking and solution generation.

Like the OFPISA model C,r,E,8,N,G!™ is a basic six step model but at the same time not ONLY a linear or step-by-step model.  It is an amorphic model with 6 steps that can be used in many, many differently arranged or combined ways to help people generate multiple creative POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS with initial plans for reaching solutions or resolutions.


Until January 2007 I had been using "." periods to represent STOPS between the steps/stages in the process. Since reading Sam Harrison's (Atlanta-based) excellent book ZING! I have revised the process to include "," commas in place of the "." periods to represent a "pause", incubation, walking away temporarily, moving to something else...all to provide time for our subconscious mind to work on what we have been doing. The final "!" exclamation point stresses the GO FOR IT! part of the end, which is the true beginning of the SOLUTION PROCESS!!!



BASIC EXPLANATION (introduction)

The 6 characters form an acronym (C.r.e.8.n.g.™ = Creating) representing 6 primary steps.

C,  COLLECT challenges, chosen problems, wishes, dreams....

     & CHOOSE from challenge, problem, wish, dream to begin working on

r,   REAP, READ & REARRANGE data, information, examples to gain a better understanding of your CHOSEN challenge, problem, wish, dream that you seek to generate or discover multiple creative ideas

E,  EXAMINE your CHOSEN challenge, problem, wish, dream based on the knowledge you have REAPED, READ and REARRANGED to choose one specific challenge, problem, wish, dream that you will generate or discover multiple creative ideas for.

8,   iDE8 (idea - ate) using 8 distinctly different idea generating or finding processes, tools, techniques that represent a WHOLE BRAIN or WHOLISTIC approach to idea generation.

N,  NARROW down the list(s) of ideas you have produced or discovered to a chosen one that you have a WOW!!! gut or conscious feeling about that you can commit to. 




"How did it feel to have failed 7,000 times seeking a solution to the electric light Mr. Edison?"

"Those were not failures.  Those are solutions to problems I have not begun working on yet."

G,  GATHER your resources: physical, personal, human, financial, emotional, etc.

     DEVELOP a PLAN or PLANS and then

     GO FOR IT!!!



That is one BASIC introduction to my

C,r,E,8,N,G! Creative Potential Solutions Generating Process.



Over the next few months and perhaps years I will continue to add to this page providing examples of how to use the MODEL in a variety of ways.

Please return periodically to learn more and more.

Thank you,


Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP



