Alan Black Programs

Alan Black



new home website

Leading-Communicating-Teaming-Creative Thinking

All my programs focus on the development of styles, skills and knowledge in each of these 4 topics to help turn entire workplaces into thriving, successful Cre8ng Communities.

Cre8ng(creative thinking & creative solution generation)

Coordinating (leading the efforts of a few to many)

Communicating (from one on one to large audiences)

Collaborating (teaming small teams to entire groups)


Popular Programs Section of my website contains.....

1.  Sample Popular Program Titles

       (popular with many clients, associations, & audiences)

2.  Sample list of clients and audiences from 1976 to today

3.  List of Basic Programs (basic programs & consulting work).

4.  Brief Descriptions (4 primary and integrated areas of focus...)

     Cre8ng(creative thinking and creative solution generation)

     Coordinating (leading the efforts of a few to many)

     Communicating (from one on one to large audiences)

     Collaborating (teaming small teams to entire groups)

5. Detailed Descriptions (programs and speeches.)



Sample Popular Program Titles

(scan down to read course outlines & descriptions)


These are sessions that have been done for several clients: corporate, professional and governmental.

Cre8ng Programs

"Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities"©

"BROKEN CRAYONS: Drawing Outside the Lines"©



Coordinating/Leading Programs

"Everyone A Leader In The 21st Century"©

"Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Mother Theresa, Genghis Kahn, Which are You?"©


Communicating Programs

"Is What I Believe I Said, What They Think They Heard ?"©

"You're Up Next!"© (you've got 5 minutes to prepare a speech)


Collaborating/Teaming Programs

"Training is More Than Standing in Front & Talking"©

"We Ain't a Group! We're a T.E.A.M!"©

(irremovable error)



General Motors,


Johnson & Johnson,


Kimberly Clark ,

American Management Association,

Battelle Institute,

Gillette-Stationery Division,





Duck Head Apparel,

Bibb Manufacturing,

Thiele Kaolin,

Warner Robins Air Force Base,

Fort Gordon,

Fort Benning,

police departments in ...

Athens, Forest Park, Rome, Lawrenceville, Georgia, Georgia Police Chiefs Association's Command College (27  week-long programs since 1995),Georgia Public Safety Training Center...(15 Executive Development Programs over 16 years)



Presented at creativity conferences in the US since 1978:

Creative Problem Solving Institute (since 1978), Winterfest, Innovation Network Convergence, American Creativity Association Conference (since 1998), Alden B. Dow Creativity Conference (since 1998), Mind Camp

Presented at international creativity workshops, conferences and innovation fairs since 1998 in. . .

South Africa (since 1998), Turkey (since 1999), Italy (since 2001), Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Mexico, England, Scotland, France, Holland, Denmark, Austria, Ukraine, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Maritius, Trinidad/Tobago, Canada, Holland, Australia, New Zealand.



Leadership Development Programs

Community Leadership Development Programs (over 300 sessions since 1983),

Parks & Recreation Executive Development Program (annually since 1982)

Southeastern Credit Union School (annually since 1981).

Communications Workers Association Advanced Leadership School for over 15 years.



Developing Cre8ng Communities

in Your Workplace

4 to 5 day program

(primary program consisting of leading, communicating, teaming, conflict resolution and creative thinking modules)

The main objective of all my programs, speeches, consulting and products is to help my clients S.P.R.E.A.D. Cr.e.8.n.g.™ and Creative Thinking throughout their entire organizations from an individual employee to teams to departments to ALL EMPLOYEES so that they can begin to deveop C.r.e.8.n.g.™ Communities in their companies and agencies.

The acronym stands for 6 inter-related groups of things that we can all do to develop C.r.e.8.n.g.Communities in our organizations.

APPLYng and



This I do through the integration of skills of



These represent four basic needs in all workplaces, today and tomorrow.

Cre8ng™ Progressively -- Our greatest natural talent lies in our creative thinking abilities. Too often we squelch them internally and externally daily . We need to support, promote, recognize, encourage, apply and develop the creative thinking and creativ;eness of everyone from the front door to the top floor.

Coordinating Productively -- We need people who can productively coordinate the work of others at all levels of our private, public and volunteer organizations. We need to develop coordinating skills and to help people discover their most productive coordinating style(s).

Communicating Thoroughly -- Communicating requires active and dynamic involvement of everyone. It requires that we S.T.I.R.™ things up. We need to SHOW what we mean. TELL what we want understood. INVOLVE everyone. REACH all people, whether speaking one-on-one or in front of large audiences.

Collaborating Successfully -- As Human Beings our greatest capacity is our ability to become highly successful teams when we truly need to. In today's workplace we need to learn to develop what is intrinsic to us nearly every working day and not take it for granted.



Cre8ng™ People, Places & Possibilities Programs

Each of my Programs & Presentations are customized or specifically designed to further develop YOUR workplace into a.... Cre8ng Place.
All Programs & Presentations will increase YOUR people's skills of...

My focus since 1984 has been to help people become:
  1. creative and productive (efficient and effective) problem solvers from ideas to successful implementation
  2. coordinators / leaders
  3. communicators
  4. collaborators / team members or team leaders


The greatest human gift is our natural creativeness. There is no limit to the number of ideas we can produce. Yet people lose much of their natural ability or it is put asleep each day by many different blocks to creativity and creativeness.
Are you creative? YES!


"Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities"

A program focused on teaching people many tools for Supporting, Promoting, Recognizing, Encouraging, Applying & Developing Creativeness and Creative Thinking


"BROKEN CRAYONS: Drawing Outside the Lines"






Coordinating Today's Employees Leading

in Today's Changing Workplace!

Today we need to do more than Boss, Manage or Lead Employees. We need to learn to Coordinate their efforts and teach them to Manage themselves and Lead others.
The following 3 programs are designed to provide and improve skills of Coordinating today's employees whether you are a Supervisor or an Executive.


"Everyone A Leader In The 21st Century"

Topics Covered:


"Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Mother Theresa, Genghis Kahn, Which are You?"

Topics Covered:




To effectively Coordinate or Collaborate the work of others and to increase the Creativeness of others we all need to expand our Communicating Skills.
The following 3 programs are designed to add to and improve your skills.


"Is What I Believe I Said,

What They Think They Heard ?"

Most of every day communication fails because of mis-communications. We all make mistakes and cause mis-communications daily that may cost $5 to $10 each but added together could represent billions of dollars in errors throughout the business world. There are a few basic things we can do every day to cut down on mis-communication. We can begin by learning some:


"You're Up Next! Speaking to be Understood

Speaking and talking are as different as hearing and listening. Too often we talk and the other person hears, while we really ought to be speaking and listening to each other. This program combines speaking and presentation skills to help everyone become better speakers and meeting leaders.


"Training is More Than Standing in Front & Talking"

There are many tools we all can learn to use to become effective trainers Coaches and mentors.



Collaborating - Individuals Working Together

In today's workplace we need to benefit from the interconnected efforts of all of the people both internal and external in pairs, teams and groups. These 2 Collaborating programs are designed to develop effective skills in Teamwork, Team Building & Team Coordinating or Leading.


"Collaborating: A Way of life in the Workplace"

Topics Covered:


"We Ain't a Group! We're a T.E.A.M!"

Learning to integrate vast forms of diversity instead of differences leads to the creation to highly successful teams from virtual to on-going.

My Popular Programs

2007 - SAMPLE PROGRAMS (link)

2006 - SAMPLE PROGRAMS (link)